East West

MentorBuilt exclusive: Head Referee Digest revealed

Secret Docs


This article was originally published anonymously on EWCP’s satirical FRC news blog MentorBuilt.com on April 8, 2019.

On Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019, FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Director Frank Merrick alluded to the existence of some official but undisclosed guidance for key event personnel. In his blog post, which was primarily intended as an apology for harsh and misguided enforcement of rule G20 during the weekend’s competitions, Merrick indicated that two of these guidances were provided to Head Referees during the events.

Using the Drivers’ Meeting to discover secret rule interpretations


Original Author: Anonymous
Original Publication Date:  April 8, 2019
 Original Location: mentorbuilt.com

This article was originally published anonymously on EWCP’s satirical FRC news blog MentorBuilt.com on April 8, 2019.

The FIRST Robotics Competition is primarily a knowledge competition. The best teams are able to leverage their existing knowledge, and extract new knowledge from their resources, to win success at many levels of the sport– on and off the playing field.

Following last week’s revelation that FIRST HQ sends Head Referees secret digests which contain rule interpretations unknown to the rest of FRC participants, many in the community acknowledge that the shape of the FRC information battlefield has now changed, irreversibly and drastically. In our companion article MentorBuilt exclusive: Head Referee Digest revealed, we analyze an example publication containing secret rule intepretations available only to key volunteers.