131 David J. Kelso
All people require a leader and a role model while growing up. This is especially the case for young students and teenagers maturing into adults. For some, this significant influence is a parent, athlete, or other famous person, but it is most impressive and meaningful when the guide for a student is their teacher or […]
121 David Anthony Ferreira
Team 121 would like to nominate David Anthony Ferreira for the Woodie Flowers award, for his incredible amount of dedication, determination and hard work for our team. Dave works everyday 8-5 as a construction worker and yet is at our work space every night pouring his heart and soul into this team. The dedication that […]
294 LeRoy Nelson
LeRoy Nelson joined Beach Cities Robotics in as a mentor 2001. LeRoy’s involvement in supporting others over himself epitomizes the values of FIRST. One such example was at last year’s Southern California regional competition, LeRoy donated his services to the bottom ten teams. One team even beat us in a match. Cathleen Kiritz, a mother […]
188 Roland Anderson
Roland Anderson has served as Woburn Robotics’ main mentor and leader since our inception in 1995. An indispensable source of leadership, inspiration, and knowledge, Mr. Anderson is truly a beacon of the principles valued by FIRST. We have been a part of the FIRST Robotics Competition for six years, and through it all, Mr. Anderson […]
365 Joe Perrotto
Joe Perrotto, part of MOE from the beginning, is a driving force through the entire design and build process. He communicates what it is to be an engineer by his actions. Always in motion and described as a blur, “Action Joe” is constantly busy and makes sure that every student has a job. For MOE […]
64 Mike Rush
Team 64, The Gila Monsters, was started in 1998 by a group of General Motors engineers led by a bright young go-getter named Michael Rush. He searched for high schools willing to participate in the FIRST program that GM wanted so desperately to mentor. Mike, the leader amongst the engineers and the teachers, combined two […]
115 Ted Shinta
Mr. Shinta’s story is about wealth, riches, and accumulating and growing assets.However, the Mr. Shinta we are talking about has a salary below median earnings. He drives a ten-year-old white pickup truck and lives in a small apartment.Mr. Shinta works as a teacher’s assistant, but his passion is to mentor the MVRT.The MVRT consumes over […]
93 Sean Schuff WFA
During the past twelve years, FIRST has worked diligently to inspire our youth in the fields of engineering and technology. After six years as the N.E.W. Apple Corps coach, Mr. Schuff fuses another element with this mission, teaching. His quiet but potent inspiration glows through his dedicated heart, attentive ears, and “loaded words” as our […]
930 Greg Billetdeaux
When Team 930 became Championship Finalists in 2019, many were surprised by our success, but Greg Billetdeaux has always believed we were capable of this achievement. His vision for relentless improvement is contagious, motivating students to achieve greatness. Greg is an exceptional educator, apparent through the engineering concepts he conveys to students. He spends time […]
4607 Alex Jurek
FRC 4607 CIS has grown from a group of five semi-interested students, to one of the largest robotics programs in the state. Throughout our existence, we have experienced various successes illustrated by seven banners and the expansion of our robotics program. We attribute all of our accomplishments to the endless support, mentorship, and inspiration that […]