East West

“There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere” (Isaac Asimov). Great scientists, mathematicians, and engineers around the world contribute to this concept daily through their studies and occupations; people that display exceptional diligence, passion, and wisdom. Through his tireless work to impart his expertise and provide our team with the necessary resources to grow, we believe that Mr. Alexander Millan has perfectly embodied this description of a mentor. 

 During our seventh year as a team, Mr. Millan has contributed monumentally through his administrative work. He has worked tirelessly to foster a unified team culture, even after his son graduated from the team two years ago. He has spearheaded the formation of a Booster Club that has proven to be indispensable to the club. Spending hours every day with our team to ensure we 

are operating efficiently, his dedication has proven essential to the success of our team. Additionally, Mr. Millan has assisted the team through organizational strategies such as time management, decision making, and the design process that has greatly streamlined the task of building our robot. As we progress as a team, he works to pique the interest of numerous other mentors who assist him in guiding our students. 

 Another generous contribution Mr. Millan has made is the liberal use of his home as our build site. For two years before the construction of the Katy ISD STEAM Center, our team has used the Millans’ garage as our meeting, planning, and building location. After using the school our rookie year, our district no longer permitted the use tools or the storage of batteries on campus. Thankfully, Mr. Millan graciously allowed us to use his garage, despite the raucous noise and the long work hours. We are in debt for the hospitality of Mr. Millan; without it, we would not have had a site to build our robot and grow our team. We are grateful for this selfless act of kindness that has allowed us to continue with our FRC experience and instill its values on our community. 

 Throughout the history of our team, we believe that Mr. Millan has embodied the ideal figure of a FIRST mentor: a nurturing leader, equal parts supportive and encouraging, and disciplined and focused. Through his tireless dedication, he has galvanized a new generation of STEM majors to strive beyond what was thought possible, and work towards engineering a better future. Our ability to succeed is only as effective as our stimulus to succeed: Mr. Alexander Millan has fostered an environment of innovation that is only a seed for a lifetime of STEM enrichment.